The very term ‘Sex Therapy’ may sound weird! It is common to see people undergoing therapies like Drug Therapy, Physiotherapy, Heat Therapy, Naturo Therapy, and so on. In this list, Sex Therapy is no exception.
What is a Therapy? And what exactly is Sex Therapy?
What is a therapy? Therapy is a curative or preventive treatment given to treat diseases or abnormalities in health condition. To put it in simple words, therapies are treatment methods that help in fighting diseases or dysfunctions. When the therapy involves use of Drugs for treating, it is called Drug Therapy. When it involves physical exercises or physical activities, it is called Physiotherapy. When the therapy involves behavioral modification, it is called Behavioral Therapy. Likewise, when the therapy involves specific sexual tasks or modifications to treat sexual health problems, such a procedure is called Sex Therapy.
Cause of Sexual Problems
First of all, it is important to know the fact that sexual functioning involves both physical as well as mental aspects. A proper satisfying sexual functioning involves both mind and body. Moreover sexual behavior is not purely instinctual, but mostly learnt. Hence, one should deeply understand that a sexual act depends not just on the physical health of body organs, but much beyond.
Of course, there are cases where sexual problems are purely because of physical elements, but there are not many. Even in such cases, there is significant importance for psychological factors as well.
Treating the root cause
Sex, being a blend of physical and mental health, it is practically impossible to treat sexual dysfunctions only through medicines. By completely relying on medicines, we are treating only the symptom (which is the sexual problem) and not the ‘actual’ cause of the trouble. This doesn’t give sustainable cure.
Discover the Cause
As the first step, the underlying cause for sexual problem should be figured out. Based on this, appropriate treatment method and medication can be prescribed. It is to be always remembered that sexual problems do not have ‘One-Cure-For-All’! There cannot be a single medicine that can absolutely cure patients of all their sexual troubles.
Sexual Problems due to Physical Reasons
When physical factors cause sexual problems, focus should be more on curing or controlling the physical elements. Say, for instance: when the patient has hormone deficiency, a Hormone Replacement Therapy can help. And for cases such as obstruction in blood flow to the genitals, a surgical procedure would help.
Sexual Problems due to Emotional Reasons
Here comes the need for Sex Therapy wherein the patient suffers sexual problems due to emotional reasons. This may be of any form such as anxiety, fear, guilt, very low self-esteem, poor interpersonal communication, sexual ignorance, etc.
The Essence of Sex Therapy
Dega Institute, the Best Sex Therapists Clinic in Chennai has curated a specific set of Sexual Tasks. For patients in need of Sex Therapy, based on their ‘actual’ problem, these sexual tasks are advised. The couple is made to understand these tasks in detail and get their doubts clarified during the Consultation session at Sex Therapy Counseling in Chennai with the doctor.
The couple will be advised to perform these tasks at the privacy of their own home. With these sexual tasks, the couples get compatible to each other and eventually get out of all the inhibitions they earlier had. This ultimately helps them in having a very normal sexual response.
A total of 5 to 10 visits with the Dega Sex Therapists in Chennai may be required to completely resolve the sexual health problem.
It is the couple that suffers, not the individual partner!
As far as sexual problems are concerned, it is not the individual partner who suffers, but the couple suffers together. Hence, for completely resolving the sexual problem, it is important to have complete participation and cooperation of both the partners during Sex Therapy Counseling in Chennai.
Our Request to Patients
At Dega, the Best Sex Therapists Clinic in Chennai, we deeply request our beloved patients to be open-minded during Sex Therapy Counseling in Chennai. Help our Dega Sex Therapists in Chennai understand your problem completely and suggest the best by being frank and outspoken. Also remember not to have a preconceived notion of curing your sex concerns only through drugs.